Private Lessons

Using high level coaching principles and techniques from some of the best coaches in the world, I’ve made it my life mission to help others conquer their goals in golf. As someone who was a player first for the majority of their career, I can sympathize in the frustration of trying to get to the next level and not knowing where to start. I want to help others so they don’t have to go through the trials and tribulations I did and help them have their goals realized.

Semi-Private Lessons

Whether it’s creating a competitive environment or allowing more individually focused practice time, being in a small group setting can allow for a great learning experience.

Monthly Development Program

While private lessons can be advantageous, students tend to come searching for answers only once their game has left them. Trying to work against the traditional model of golf lessons, my goal with this program is to bring routine and structure to your game so we can make consistent progress through weekly lessons. Good habits take time to take hold and the only way to make that change happen is through consistent, efficient practice. Whether you’re a Junior golfer with high aspirations or a weekend golfer trying to win the Club C’s, we can put together a road map to help elevate your game to the next level.

Winter Golf Facility – Practice Rental

While private lessons can be advantageous through the winter months, students tend to lose progress not having access to an affordable practice facility. Trying to change this model, my goal is to have the SCG Indoor Studio accessible to all golfers at competitive prices with greater availability.

NCAA Prep Program

Growing up, the idea of pursuing a scholarship in the U.S. to play NCAA golf was a very foreign concept to me. I was lucky enough to have the support of a coach who was able to guide me through that process where I was able to earn a golf scholarship at Gonzaga University and play against some of the best players in the world. I want to use my experience and knowledge and put together a game plan to help others pursue their dreams of earning a scholarship and playing NCAA golf.

Heron Point
Us Kids Golf